For CABESpace/ Design Council, Michael developed ‘Spaceshaper’ co-design tool, delivering training in UK and Australia, and contributed to (DCLG) ‘Inclusive Design Hub 2014’. Michael serves on Cornwall Design Review, and NHS Design Review Panels

case study - CABE spaceshaper

As an Enabler for the CABE Space ( ), Westley Design Director, Michael Westley lead in the development, training & use of ‘Spaceshaper’, a unique public space quality evaluation and co-design tool.

This appointment, and his work with the Groundwork UK and Sensory Trust has provided a platform of expertise supporting:

  • Creative stakeholder involvement in the design process
  • Innovative reconciliation of user’s needs and aspirations
  • Delivery of equality of access, benefit, and enjoyment; through physical, sensory & social means, and through innovative information & interpretation
  • Resilient relationships of care and respect between people and place

Michael is an accredited Spaceshaper trainer and facilitator, using  a suite of complementary co-design tools to deliver inclusive project development, across a variety of settings, for a range of client bodies, organisations and project challenges, large and small.

Please contact us, to explore how we can engage with your project challenge or provide you with ‘Spaceshaper’ training to deliver your own co-design / facilitation …